The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
is one of the most well-known and well-studied problems in optimization and computer science. Its classical formulation and as many of its variations have been widely used to model problem in various fields, such as genetics, electronics, and logistics.
In this website, we intend to collect and publish educational and practical material about TSP and some of its useful variations. Along with some material about variations of TSP, the download section of the website contains various solvers and benchmark sets for TSP and its variations. Currently, these variations include the Hamiltonian cycle problem (HCP), a well-known NP-complete variation of TSP with theoretical importance in complexity theory, and Clustered Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (CGTSP), an extended variation of TSP, CTSP, and GTSP.
We have two long term objectives.
- First, we intend to provide basic educational material for anyone interested in TSP and its variations.
- Second, we wish to collect a library of useful resources for TSP and its variations.
- Third, we intend to gather a list of state-of-the-art programs and problem sets that are useful for anyone that is interested in TSP and its variations.
We are in the process of collecting relevant material and improving the website. If you believe you are able to help with the long term objectives of the website and wish to contribute to the material on this website feel free to contact us on info[AT]travelingsalesman[DOT]org.